Using the program

This page will go through the steps necessary to run the code and reproduce our results.

Dependency setup

The first step is to install the latest version of Python 3 here, if it is not already installed. Next, there are several python packages that needs to be installed using python’s bundled package manager pip. Run the following command on the command line:

pip install pydicom numpy sklearn scipy

This will allow us to read in the DICOM images and use the machine learning functions in scikit-learn.

Running the program

Navigate to the directory containing the file, and run python to run the program. This will default to training a machine learning model using training data located in ./data/train/ and storing the trained classifier as ./classifier.pkl. To change the default behavior, here are the possible flags and options that can be passed to the script:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TRAINPATH, --trainpath TRAINPATH
                        path to the training data. defaults to ./data/train/
  -c CLASSIFIER, --classifier CLASSIFIER
                        path to the classifier, if saved trained and saved.
                        path to save the classifier otherwise. defaults to
  -p, --process         process an image by stripping it's skull, instead of
                        training the model. defaults to output the changed
                        image, with the skull stripped.
  -i IMAGEPATH, --imagepath IMAGEPATH
                        path to the images to process. defults to ./data/test/
  -b, --bitmask         stores the result as a bitmask instead of stripping
                        the original image.
  -r RESULTPATH, --resultpath RESULTPATH
                        path to store the results of the processing. defaults
                        to ./data/result
                        apply a mask to dicom images [image directory] [mask
                        directory] [output directory]
  -d DICE DICE, --dice DICE DICE
                        compute dice scores [ground truth directory] [result

In particular, once a model is trained, it can be used to perform skull stripping with the flag -p. This defaults to performing skull stripping on the DICOM images in ./data/test/ and storing the processed images in the directory ./data/result/. These default directories can be changed with the -i IMAGEPATH and -r RESULTPATH options, respectively. The default directory for the training data is ./data/train/ which can be changed using -t TRAINPATH.

Two-phased approach

To run the two-phased approach described in our previous post, run the shell script This defaults to running both the training and processing procedures. Note that this shell script will only work when the first phase training images are located in ./data/train_phase1/ and the second phase training images are located in ./data/train_phase2/.

If train in run instead, only the training step will be done. Similarly, process will only to the processing and skull stripping part.

Note, the shell script assumes that the system has a python3 environment variable pointing to the python executable.